18 March 2009

SPOTD #149

Make sure to join the SPOTD Tourney Bracket on ESPN.com. Play for GLORY!!!! The Group password is "spotd" and you have until this afternoon to join.

Other than that, a pretty normal edition.

Today's phrase:
From author Samuel Johnson

La curiosidad es una de las permanentes y seguras características de un intelecto vigoroso.

Phonetic with emphasis on bold syllable:
Lah coo-re-oh-see-dahd ess oo-nah day lahs pare-mah-nen-tace ee say-goo-rahs car-ahk-tah-rees-tee-kahs day oon een-tay-lake-toe vee-go-ro-soh.

Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.

The Birth of Religious Freedom
Whether you ascribe to a changing or originalist view of the separation of Church and State it is instructive to learn about the origin of religious freedom in our country. While Thomas Jefferson is widely considered an important founding voice, James Madison's role is often overlooked.
He played a critical role, and this brief piece will give you a glimpse.

Greatest Living?
ESPN's Bill Simmons gives his analysis of the Greatest Living Actor. His winner is a pretty safe choice, and he resorts to a sport-style formula to get there. In my opinion that is not really the best measure, but it's defensible.

Good idea, Sketchy execution
This is an interesting look at 5 recent high-profile gadgets and their design flaws.

Marine Honor
This is a moving piece from Peggy Noonan on the Marine reaction to a terrible jet crash in San Diego. She uses it as a comparison to the scandals of Wall Street, and it is a great reminder of excellence in a difficult time.

Say What?
President John Tyler was born in 1790. Two of his grandsons are still alive!

Link of the Day
This is a fascinating look at the world's biggest diamond heist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the Noonan article. As someone who has followed that story closely, I too was impressed with the candor in the military's report.