Joseph actually turned 5 on Tuesday, and I wanted to pay a little tribute to him here. These are a few photos that help mark his life at various points.
He had to spend a little time in the hospital when he was born. He had a serious congenital defect that was corrected shortly after birth. It was a period of great growth and faith for our family, and I am grateful for his living reminder of how precious life is.
Lacy is holding him here, but this photo was snapped on my 26th birthday (I believe), the first day that I was able to hold him.

We got him home, not knowing that sleeping was not among the things Joseph would do well.

But smiling definitely was (and is). The below pictures can demonstrate that.

(Almost) without trying I have been able to inculcate Joseph with a love of 2 teams- BYU and the University of Miami. You have to start young.

What a smile.

I am named after my dad, and Joseph is the third Lowry to bear the name. Here he is around his 2nd birthday with his Papa Joe.

Joseph was almost two when Millie was born. He is a good and loving big brother.

And he loves his mommy (holding his hand here).
He decided he was going to the office. I thought my tie looked even better on him.

This was taken on Father's Day this year. I am truly a blessed man to have this family, and a little boy like Joseph.

I thought this was great. After a while of being neglected, the kids decided to use the sandbox. A toad had made his home there, and with not an ounce of fear, Joseph picked him up. He is such a great kid, and makes our lives more interesting and fulfilling, every single day. Often that means trying to explain to him why, despite how cool it would be, we can't build a rocketship in the backyard and why he can't learn to drive a motorcycle.

Happy birthday little buddy!
What a cute boy! It is amazing just how fast time goes, isn't it? You have a sweet family, Joe! Hope you are doing well! If you are ever in DC give us a ring!
Happy Birthday!!! What a sweet dad you are. Joseph is so lucky. You have such a beautiful family.
I love this boy! I can't believe how much of that same face is even in his newborn shot... Sophia and Mila keep saying there's a spot at the table for Joseph and Millie... or a spot at the counter for Joseph. (it changes if there's just one spot... )
We miss you guys. Oh and I signed my name "willie" on a couple of emails from my iphone before I got a hang of the auto-correct.
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